How can companies get around sustainably, Anna Alex?

Anja Hendel
3 min readJun 9, 2021


Today, the transportation sector is one of the largest producers of CO2 in the world, responsible for up to 25 percent of annual emissions. This is also due to associated transport logistics and commuter traffic. The primary goal must be to reduce the carbon footprint of transportation across all sectors drastically. But how can companies switch to sustainable mobility concepts to actively contribute to a better climate? Anna Alex answers this question in the latest episode of my podcast, Deep Dive Mobility.

Photo by Dan Meyers on Unsplash

Anna is the founder of the climate tech start-up Planetly, which develops digital tools that help companies easily track, understand, and reduce their carbon emissions. “I hypothesize that in three years, climate neutrality will be the norm for companies,” Anna says. “Sustainability is a journey, and the most important thing right now is getting started.”

Carbon footprint, the most important metric of the century?

Anna believes that sustainability KPIs, such as carbon footprint, must be included in the key metrics that businesses use in decision-making. “The problem with the climate crisis is that the cost the planet needs to pay is not factored into our cost analysis. In other words, what it costs in global terms to ship German steel to and from China for processing is not included in our cost analysis.”

Photo by Thais Morais on Unsplash

Climate protection will be a business case

Anna believes that entrepreneurs who invest in climate protection early on already have a real competitive advantage. For example, employees are 70 percent more likely to choose a green company. Anna also observes that a company’s climate protection efforts have become a general indicator of pragmatic business practices for investors. And finally, she points out that it will be expensive for companies that only start dealing with sustainability when politicians intervene with regulations.

Photo by Nuno Marques on Unsplash

My conversation with Anna Alex is now on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, or wherever you get your podcasts. Unfortunately only in German.

If you would like to find out more about how you can achieve zero impact mobility and net-zero emissions in your company, then listen to our exciting conversation. You’ll also learn what Anna thinks about the commitment of large companies, like Microsoft and Volkswagen, to carbon neutrality and what she views as the greatest climate change policy lessons from the COVID-19 pandemic.

What measures have you taken to make your company more sustainable? Let’s brainstorm how we can contribute to a better climate in our daily business. I’m looking forward to your input!



Anja Hendel

Managing Director @ diconium | #Innovation #DigitalTransformation #Mobility | How do we transfer the successful German art of engineering into the digital age?